The Borough of Somerset handles Customer Service requests in a formalized manner. We have forms that are filled out whenever a request for service is registered. Once the form is completed, it is forwarded to the proper department for review. Generally, there are three major reasons for having a Customer Service Request System:
Equally important is the fact that residents do not have to talk directly with the Borough Manager, or department heads to ensure that a problem receives proper attention. The Borough’s clerical staff is trained to receive requests and to direct them to the appropriate department.
During normal business hours, 8:00am to 4:30pm Monday thru Friday, any emergency concerning Water, Sewer, Street, or Inspection Department can be reported by contacting the Borough's general offices at 443-2661.
During other times, the Borough has arranged with Somerset County Control to receive emergency calls. They are trained in contacting the proper person (or agency) to handle emergencies in Somerset Borough. Please do not contact individual Borough employees or elected officials. The number to call for an after hour, weekend or holiday emergency is 445-1525.