The Borough of Somerset is working on updating our records so that we can effectively communicate with our customers on existing/upcoming projects, outages, and important utility/Borough notifications. Please help us with this process!
This can be done by any of the following methods:
Sign up for your mySomersetBoro account and enjoy account access at your fingertips. All you need is some basic information from your water/sewer bill and a valid email address to get started.
With your mySomersetBoro account you can view your bills Online, view your usage and payment history and make Online payments from your checking account or by credit card. Don't want a paper bill, go completely paperless and sign up for ebills.
Click the link to sign up for your account today!
Mobile Terms and Conditions | Privacy Policy for SMS NotificationsAll customers are charged a base rate that is based on their meter size. This base rate (minimum charge) is designed to recover a portion of the fixed costs incurred in providing water and sewer services. The costs include debt services, the cost of maintaining the water supply, treatment of water and sewer, distribution and service of facilities that are needed to provide water and sewer service to your home or business. This change in the rate structure was implemented for the water rate in January 1, 2025 and for the sewer rate in January 1, 2025. Please see the attached Rate Schedule for additional information.
See Rate Schedule Updated 01/01/25
The water and sewer bills are generated into two billing cycles, which means we have two due dates. All bills are either due on the 5th or 25th of each month. Each account falls into one of these cycles based on their location. There is a penalty of five percent applied to each bill that surpasses the due date.
There will be a notice sent to the ratepayer responsible for the water bill service, five days after the due date if payment has not been received. This form will be sent at least ten (10) days prior to the scheduled date of termination of service. Immediately, prior to termination, a final notice will be issued by the personnel responsible for terminating service, attempting to make contact with the ratepayer or responsible adult at the residence. There is a fifty dollar fee to have water service reconnected.
The Borough will accept requests for water service from tenants. It is also understood that the owner of each property is responsible for the payment of all bills charged to his tenants and is responsible if the tenant neglects or refuses to make payment of any water bill within the time prescribed.
Request for service from any applicant will not be granted until all arrears and charges due at any premises now or previously occupied by him shall have been paid or satisfactory arrangements made in regard thereto.
Any property owner desiring the introduction of a service line or lines from the Borough main into a property must first make a written application on the form provided by the Borough at lease one (1) week before service is required, stating the street and lot number location, the name of the owner, and the purpose for which service will continue for at least one (1) year. This application and any questions can be addressed through the Inspections Department located at 347 West Union Street, or by phone at (814) 445-5595.
The application must be signed by the owner of the property, which application shall, together with the rules and regulations of the Borough, regulate and control the service of water to such premises.
Upon approval of the application of any property owner for a supply of water and the payment of charges set forth the Borough will tap the main, carry service pipe to the curb, and install a curb stop and service box.
The Borough will be responsible for the maintenance and repair of the service line between the main and the curb line.
Customers who wish to have their water service shut off for the winter should notify our water office two weeks prior to the day of shutoff. This allows sufficient time to locate and check the shutoff valve at the curb. This step is necessary to determine if the valve is functioning properly. A malfunctioning shutoff valve could cause internal plumbing damage if not taken care of before cold weather arrives.
The Department of Environmental Protection has revised the Public Notification Rule by requiring all Public Water Supply Systems to notify DEP within one hour and all customers within twenty-four hours of a Tier 1 Classification which is a system problem with adverse health effects as a result of short-term exposure.
In our efforts to provide more reliable communications with Residents and Businesses in the borough. The Borough of Somerset is working on updating our records so that we can effectively communicate with our customers on existing/upcoming projects, outages, and important utility/Borough notifications.
This can be done by any of the following methods:
The Borough of Somerset is offering a new way to pay water and sewer bills. Borough Council has entered into an agreement with Somerset Trust Company that enables Borough water and sewer customers to have the amount of their water/sewer bill automatically withdrawn from their checking or savings account. This service eliminates customers having to write a check and mailing it, or dropping it off at the Borough Building. You will save the cost of checks, stamps, and gasoline, plus you'll never have to pay late charges. Your bill will be paid on time even when your on vacation. Each month you will receive a notice at least 10 days before your bill is due, showing you when it will be paid by automatic deduction. You may participate in this program no matter where you bank. There is no charge for this service.
To find out more about this program, Click here for more information and to print out the proper form.